
sexting – sostantivo non numerabile

sext – verbo intransitivo e transitivo

sext – sostantivo numerabile


Legal consequences aside, sexting is a dumb thing to do, especially for kids.

Last night I sexted a guy who I’m not even attracted to.

More than half of those polled had sexted, while almost a third had dated someone they met online.

She knew he was married but thought it was OK to sext.

Research has found no significant difference in gender regarding who sends sexts and who receives them.


Di recente, in seguito a una richiesta di documenti basata sul Freedom of Information Act, il sexting è tornato di prepotenza all’attenzione del pubblico. Si è scoperto infatti che dal 2013 in Inghilterra e in Galles ci sono stati oltre 4.000 casi di minorenni coinvolti nell’attività di scambio di messaggi e/o foto/video sessualmente espliciti, di solito tramite cellulare; e sebbene nella stragrande maggioranza si trattasse di adolescenti, in un caso il minore aveva 5 anni. Come in Italia, anche nel Regno Unito il possesso, la produzione, l’invio di materiale a sfondo sessuale sono considerati reato quando vedono coinvolti minori di 18 anni e tuttavia non c’è dubbio che il sexting rimanga per lo più un fenomeno sommerso.

Anche se il sexting può concretizzarsi nello scambio di messaggi a sfondo sessuale, sempre più spesso oggetto dell’invio sono foto o video espliciti, attività non confinata ai giovanissimi, visti gli scandali in cui sono stati coinvolti vari esponenti politici… Ma d’altronde, una volta premuto il tasto Invio, chi sa dove potrebbe andare a finire il contenuto?


Origini del termine


Sia sext sia sexting sono parole macedonia formate da sex e text nel primo caso e texting nel secondo, nate nel XXI secolo insieme agli smartphone e ad altri dispositivi mobili: l’ennesimo esempio del ruolo della tecnologia nella formazione di parole nuove.

Traduzione di Loredana Riu

sexting – noun U

sext – verb I&T

sext – noun C

Legal consequences aside, sexting is a dumb thing to do, especially for kids.

Last night I sexted a guy who I’m not even attracted to.

More than half of those polled had sexted, while almost a third had dated someone they met online.

She knew he was married but thought it was OK to sext.

Research has found no significant difference in gender regarding who sends sexts and who receives them.


Sexting has been in the news again, with a freedom of information request leading to the revelation that since 2013 there have been more than 4,000 cases of children in England and Wales taking explicit photos of themselves and sending them to others (it is illegal in the UK to take, possess or send sexual images of anyone under 18, even if that person is yourself). Most of those involved were teenagers but one was as young as five. This number is undoubtedly the tip of the iceberg, as the vast majority of cases will never come to the attention of the authorities.


Sexting can take the form of sending sexually explicit messages, but is increasingly understood to refer to the sending of intimate images. Numerous politicians have been caught out while indulging in this behaviour with people other than their partners, a salutary remind that once you press Send the content is out there and can come back at you in ways you don’t anticipate or want.



Sext and sexting are blends of the words sex and text or texting. The terms came into existence in the 21st century along with smartphones and other mobile devices, yet another example of the role of technology in language creation.


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