
Breturn – sostantivo

Breturn – verbo


The portmanteaux just keep on coming — most recently … “Point of no Breturn“.

Brexit now and we will only have to Breturn to save a disintegrating Europe.

We call on all political parties to commit to a new choice between any UK exit package and Breturn either through a Parliamentary vote, a General Election, or a new referendum.


Il dopo referendum sull’uscita dalla UE ha visto un proliferare di nuovi termini (parole macedonia, soprattutto), coniati per descrivere la situazione eccezionale che si è venuta a creare nel Regno Unito. A quelli già citati in post precedenti si aggiungono brexhausted, bremorse e brexodus. Ma quello che si è imposto davvero (oltre un milione di risultati su Google) è Breturn: con funzione di sostantivo e di verbo indica la speranza che il risultato del referendum possa essere in qualche modo ribaltato, come chiedono le numerose petizioni lanciate con questo proposito.


Origini del termine


Breturn è una delle tante parole macedonia coniate sulla falsariga di Brexit e nasce dalla fusione del prefisso Br- (che sta per British) e return, come sostantivo e come verbo.

Breturn – verb

The portmanteaux just keep on coming — most recently … “Point of no Breturn“.

Brexit now and we will only have to Breturn to save a disintegrating Europe.

We call on all political parties to commit to a new choice between any UK exit package and Breturn either through a Parliamentary vote, a General Election, or a new referendum.

The aftermath of the EU referendum has led to an explosion of new terms, mostly blends, coined to describe the new and unprecedented situation in which the UK finds itself. In addition to those we have already looked at in previous posts, they include brexhausted, bremorse and brexodus. The one that has really caught hold, though, with currently more than a million hits on Google, is Breturn, a noun and a verb signifying the hope that the result of the vote can somehow be overturned or reversed. Numerous petitions and even court cases have been launched in an attempt to bring this about.


Breturn is one of a significant number of blends coined in the wake of the referendum result along the same lines as Brexit. It is formed by combining the prefix Br- (for British) and the noun and verb return.


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