
alt-right – sostantivo singolare

alternative right – sostantivo singolare

Spencer, the leader of the white nationalist so-called “alt-right” … has made it clear he believes people of color are inferior to whites.

The term “Alt Right” originated with extremists but increasingly has found its way into the mainstream media.

The site had around 50,000 visitors a month, making it one of the most trafficked sites in the alt-right blogosphere.

L’elezione di Donald Trump alla presidenza degli Stati Uniti ha portato il movimento eterogeneo noto come alt-right al cuore del governo del Paese più potente del mondo. Steve Bannon, consulente strategico di Trump, è la figura di spicco dell’alt-right e Breitbart, il sito da lui diretto, è la piattaforma di riferimento del movimento la cui ideologia rifiuta il conservatorismo tradizionale per abbracciare un miscuglio di razzismo, suprematismo bianco, antifemminismo, omofobia e neonazismo.

Secondo alcuni la locuzione alt-right è stata scelta appositamente per celare l’ideologia estremista, e in ciò potrebbe esserci del vero: il termine alternative ha generalmente una connotazione positiva (vedi espressioni quali alternative lifestyles, alternative therapies e alternative energy sources. Gli esponenti dell’alt-right sono solo dei provocatori, come affermano, o qualcosa di più sinistro? Chi vivrà vedrà.

Origini del termine

Alt-right è formato dal prefisso -alt- più il sostantivo right nella sua accezione politica. Il prefisso è stato coniato negli anni ’90 come estensione del termine usato da certi newsgroup che si proponevano come alternativa ad altri newsgroup simili. L’espressione alt-right è stata usata per la prima volta nel 2008 riferendosi a estremisti di destra che diffondevano le loro idee attraverso i social e altre piattaforme digitali.

Traduzione di Loredana Riu

alt-right – noun sing

alternative right – noun singular

Spencer, the leader of the white nationalist so-called “alt-right” … has made it clear he believes people of color are inferior to whites.

The term “Alt Right” originated with extremists but increasingly has found its way into the mainstream media.

The site had around 50,000 visitors a month, making it one of the most trafficked sites in the alt-right blogosphere.



The election of Donald Trump as US President put the group known as the alt-right at the heart of government of the most powerful country in the world. Steve Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist, is a prominent figure in the alt-right and Breitbart, the website he ran, is one of the main platforms for its beliefs, which include a rejection of traditional conservatism and its replacement with a mixture of racism, white-supremacism, anti-feminism, homophobia and neo-Nazism.


It has been claimed that the alt-right label has been chosen in order to conceal the extreme ideology of those adhering to it. There may be something in this, as the term alternative carries generally positive connotations, whether it refers to lifestyles, therapies or energy sources. Whether those propounding alt-right views are merely provocateurs, as they like to claim, or something more sinister, time will tell.



Alt-right is formed from the prefix -alt- and the political meaning of the noun right. The prefix was coined in the 1990s as an extension of the term used by online newsgroups to show that they were alternatives to other similar newsgroups. The term alt-right was first used in 2008 to refer to activists with extreme right-wing views which they mainly disseminate through online media.


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