
burkini – sostantivo


Images of French armed law enforcement forcing a woman to remove her burkini on a beach went viral, leaving many questioning the ban.

There is a high demand for the burkini from fair-skinned Irish women, according to the Australian inventor of the swimwear.

The real enemies of freedom are not the burkini-wearers, but the politicians who want to ban them.


Quest’estate le cronache si sono occupate a varie riprese del burkini, messo al bando da alcune municipalità francesi con provvedimenti in seguito sospesi dal Consiglio di Stato. Un capo inventato per permettere alle donne di varie fedi religiose (ma non necessariamente) di stare in spiaggia e fare il bagno senza spogliarsi è diventato il fulcro di polemiche e tensioni che poco hanno a che fare con l’abbigliamento da mare. Ma il colmo dell’ironia è che anche il bikini fu tacciato di immoralità quando apparve nel 1946, così come altri costumi da bagno femminili in tempi antecedenti.


Origini del termine


Burkini è una parola macedonia ottenuta fondendo burqa e bikini. Nonostante il capo d’abbigliamento sia ben lontano dal burqa, che copre completamente il corpo e il viso, la piacevole assonanza dei due termini dev’essere stata irresistibile per l’inventrice del burkini, la stilista australiana Aheda Zanetti.

burkini – noun

Images of French armed law enforcement forcing a woman to remove her burkini on a beach went viral, leaving many questioning the ban.

There is a high demand for the burkini from fair-skinned Irish women, according to the Australian inventor of the swimwear.

The real enemies of freedom are not the burkini-wearers, but the politicians who want to ban them.


The burkini has been in the news this summer, as it was first banned by the mayors of some French coastal resorts and then unbanned by the country’s highest administrative court. A garment that was invented to allow women of various religions and none to enjoy swimming and being on the beach without stripping off has become a focus for tensions in society that have little to do with swimwear. It is ironic that, following its invention in 1946, the bikini was itself condemned by many as immoral, as were women’s bathing suits before it.



The word burkini is a perfect example of a blend (or portmanteau), being a combination of the words burqa and bikini. Of course the garment itself bears little relation to the burqa, which is a complete covering for the body including the face, but the pleasing nature of the combination must have made it irresistible to the burkini’s inventor, Australian designer Aheda Zanetti.


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