
haterade, Haterade – sostantivo non numerabile

drink the haterade – locuzione

Why all the haterade? Perhaps because, over an 8-year career, he’s made a lot of music under many guises.

The haterade that’s been spilled over this movie deserves its own blogpost.

I thought he did a great job. See, I’m not just swimming in haterade.

Study after study shows that young people just aren’t interested in sipping the haterade.

Stop drinking the haterade. Every last one of you would trade places with her in a heartbeart.

Per molti versi internet è qualcosa di fantastico; per altri, come la quantità di odio e rabbia riversate a palate senza risparmiare niente e nessuno, un po’ meno. Intorno a quest’attività fomentata dal livore è nato tutto un vocabolario: da hater a flaming, da trolling a cyberbullying a haterade, termine che si riferisce alla negatività e alle critiche spietate e ingiustificate pubblicate online.

Haterade deriva dal nome dell’energy drink Gatorade perciò è comune imbattersi in locuzioni come drink (o sip) the haterade; a volte la metafora è estesa, come nel secondo e terzo esempio riportato qui sopra, fino a far diventare haterade un liquido che si può versare o in cui si può nuotare.

Origini del termine

Haterade, formata dall’unione del sostantivo hater o hate e del nome della bibita per sportivi Gatorade, ha fatto la sua comparsa su internet negli anni ’90 ma è venuta alla ribalta con la diffusione dei social. La locuzione drink the haterade ne ricorda una simile, drink the Kool-Aid, legata al suicidio di massa dei seguaci del predicatore Jim Jones in Guyana nel 1978.

Traduzione di Loredana Riu

haterade, Haterade – noun U

drink the haterade – phrase

Why all the haterade? Perhaps because, over an 8-year career, he’s made a lot of music under many guises.

The haterade that’s been spilled over this movie deserves its own blogpost.

I thought he did a great job. See, I’m not just swimming in haterade.

Study after study shows that young people just aren’t interested in sipping the haterade.

Stop drinking the haterade. Every last one of you would trade places with her in a heartbeart.


There are many wonderful things about the internet, but one of its less appealing aspects is the amount of hatred and rage on display. This has given rise to its own vocabulary, such as hater, flaming, trolling, cyberbullying and so on. One example of this vocabulary is the term haterade, used to refer to excessive and unjustified criticism and negativity displayed online.


Haterade is a play on the name of a popular American sports drink, Gatorade, and so people are often accused of drinking (or sipping) the haterade or told to stop drinking it; sometimes the metaphor is extended, as in the second and third examples above, where haterade is depicted as a literal liquid that can be spilled or even swum in.



Haterade arose on the internet in the 1990s but has come to the fore with the rise of social media. It is a blend of the noun hater or hate and the name of the sports drink, Gatorade. Drink the haterade is reminiscent of a similar expression, drink the Kool-Aid, which owes its origin to an act of mass suicide and murder by the followers of Jim Jones in Guyana in 1978.


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