Locker room talk

Locker room talk – sostantivo non numerabile


Trump was recorded talking about forcibly kissing and groping women, and after an uproar, he chalked it up to “locker-room talk.”

Nip locker room talk in the bud. Middle school is the age where sex talk begins in gender-segregated environments, like locker rooms and sleepovers.

Just for reference. I work in a locker room (every day)… that is not locker room talk. Just so you know.


Anche i più distratti avranno senz’altro sentito parlare dell’ennesimo pantano in cui è scivolato Donald Trump, una bufera che non accenna a placarsi. La polemica si è scatenata dopo la diffusione di un vecchio video in cui il candidato repubblicano alla presidenza degli Stati Uniti afferma che un vip come lui può palpeggiare impunemente tutte le donne che vuole. Ciliegina sulla torta, la risposta alle critiche che gli sono piovute addosso: si trattava solo di ‘locker room talk’.

Ma cos’è il ‘locker room talk’? Con quest’espressione si intendono sia il linguaggio scurrile sia le battute pesanti e le vanterie a sfondo sessuale che (pare) gli uomini tirano fuori solo in presenza di altri uomini, come succede ad esempio nel locker room, lo spogliatoio.

Gli sportivi, e gli atleti professionisti in prima fila, hanno immediatamente condannato le affermazioni di Trump precisando che una cosa è vantarsi di una (presunta) conquista, ben altra è vantarsi di aver molestestato sessualmente qualcuno.


Origini del termine


L’espressione locker room talk risale agli anni Venti ma l’uso rimane infrequente fino agli Ottanta, quando comincia ad essere usata col significato a cui ci riferivamo sopra: una ricerca effettuata su Google il 12 ottobre ha prodotto oltre 2 milioni di risultati.

Locker room talk – noun U

Trump was recorded talking about forcibly kissing and groping women, and after an uproar, he chalked it up to “locker-room talk.”

Nip locker room talk in the bud. Middle school is the age where sex talk begins in gender-segregated environments, like locker rooms and sleepovers.

Just for reference. I work in a locker room (every day)… that is not locker room talk. Just so you know.

Unless you have been down a mine with no wifi it will not have escaped your notice that the Republican candidate for the Presidency of the United States, Donald Trump, has been embroiled in yet another controversy. The furore over his recorded remarks about groping women with impunity due to his celebrity status, and his excuse that it was just ‘locker room talk’ has been a hot news topic for days. But what is locker room talk?

A locker room is simply a room where people get changed before and after playing sport, or before and after work; so locker room talk is conversation that takes place in such a location. But clearly far more is implied by the expression than innocent chitchat. Trump was referring to the kind of sexual bragging that men are believed to engage in when no women are present.

Men, and professional athletes in particular, have queued up to condemn Trump’s remarks, saying that – while there is undoubtedly chat about sex in locker rooms -it does not in their experience take the form of boasting about sexual assault.


While the expression locker room talk was first used in the 1920s, it remained infrequent until the 1980s when it started to be used with the meaning Trump associates with it. A Google search on October 12th gave more than 2 million results, reflecting the media storm over the story.


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