jewellery / goldsmith
jewellery / goldsmith /
La parola di oggi è: jewellery / goldsmith
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◆jewellery 🔊 , USA jewelry /ˈdʒu:əlrɪ/ 🔊
n. 🅄
n. 🅄
(collett.) gioielli (pl.); gioie (pl.)
a piece of jewellery un gioiello
Nota d’uso:
La parola jewellery si usa spesso in combinazione con determinati termini: item of jewellery, costume jewellery. She was wearing a wedding ring, an item of jewellery that she seldom wore back then, portava una fede nuziale, un gioiello che allora indossava raramente; She wore a smart black dress with a great deal of showy costume jewellery, indossava un vestito nero elegante con bigiotteria vistosa in quantità.
La parola jewellery si usa spesso in combinazione con determinati termini: item of jewellery, costume jewellery. She was wearing a wedding ring, an item of jewellery that she seldom wore back then, portava una fede nuziale, un gioiello che allora indossava raramente; She wore a smart black dress with a great deal of showy costume jewellery, indossava un vestito nero elegante con bigiotteria vistosa in quantità.
goldsmith /ˈgəʊldsmɪɵ/ 🔊
orefice; orafo, orafa
zool. goldsmith beetle (Cetonia aurata) moscon d’oro; cetonia dorata
goldsmith’s work oreficeria (l’arte)