
silver – aggettivo


Estate agents Savills found that in the most popular areas for second home buyers like Cornwall, the silver pound is dominating the market with 60% of homes being purchased by the over 50’s.

One myth about silver surfers is that they lack confidence with technology.

The rise of the so-called “silver splitter” is set out in an official study showing that the number of people over 60 getting divorced has risen by three quarters in just 20 years.

Silver fox Richard Gere sprinkled some stardust on Leicester Square last night as he rolled up for the premiere of Arbitrage.


Qualcuno negli anni ’80 si rese conto che la comunità gay aveva un grosso potere d’acquisto e venne coniata l’espressione pink money/pound/dollar. Oggi che la generazione del baby boom è arrivata all’età pensionabile i responsabili del marketing globale hanno individuato un nuovo segmento del mercato formato da individui ancora relativamente giovani, in salute e con soldi da spendere, quello etichettato silver. Gli ex giovani degli anni ’60 e ’70 non si accontentano di giocare a carte, guardare la TV o fare la calza: vogliono godersi fino in fondo la terza età facendo nuove esperienze, dedicandosi a nuovo hobby, magari viaggiando e, perché no?, trovando un nuovo compagno di vita.


Origini del termine


La parola silver allude alla capigliatura canuta stereotipo dell’anziano, ma ha un’accezione positiva rispetto a white o grey.

silver – adjective


Estate agents Savills found that in the most popular areas for second home buyers like Cornwall, the silver pound is dominating the market with 60% of homes being purchased by the over 50’s.

One myth about silver surfers is that they lack confidence with technology.

The rise of the so-called “silver splitter” is set out in an official study showing that the number of people over 60 getting divorced has risen by three quarters in just 20 years.

Silver fox Richard Gere sprinkled some stardust on Leicester Square last night as he rolled up for the premiere of Arbitrage.


Back in the 1980s someone noticed that many gay men had a lot of spending power, and so the term the pink pound was born; the term was probably inspired by the newspaper The Pink Paper which dealt with the gay and lesbian issues of the time. These days, in the UK as elsewhere, the baby boomers are retiring, a fact which has not been lost on advertisers who have spotted a new target market, consisting of relatively young, healthy and prosperous retirees. These people, who were young in the 60s and 70s, are not interested in just playing bingo, watching TV or pottering around in their gardens, though they may do these things as well: they want to enjoy their well-earned retirement to the full, with new experiences, new hobbies, exotic travel and, if the newspapers are believed, new romantic partners as well.




The word silver alludes to the stereotypical white hair of an older person, but has more appealing connotations than white or grey.

WordWatch è l'osservatorio sui neologismi della lingua inglese curato dalla redazione del dizionario Ragazzini.

A cura di Liz Potter