VAR video assistant referee – sostantivo
AVAR assistant video assistant referee
The video footage is reviewed by the VAR, who advises the referee via headset what the video shows.
An official VAR review only takes place if the referee makes the signal.
Scottish football’s top-flight managers and officials have backed the introduction of video assistant referee (VAR) technology following a summit.
L’uso della tecnologia per coadiuvare le decisioni arbitrali nello sport, specialmente ad alto livello, non è una novità. Sono già quasi vent’anni che il sistema informatico Hawk-Eye viene impiegato in vari sport, dal cricket al tennis e al biliardo, per seguire visivamente il percorso della palla e ottenere la traccia immediata del percorso statisticamente più probabile. Sin dal 2013 nel massimo campionato di calcio inglese l’occhio di falco consente di stabilire l’effettivo superamento della linea di porta del pallone nei casi di un gol dubbio.
L’impiego del VAR nei Mondiali di calcio del 2018 ha ricevuto perlopiù consensi. VAR sta per video assistant referee, ovvero assistente dell’arbitro al video – cioè un assistente del giudice di gara, ma generalmente con VAR si indica la tecnologia piuttosto che la persona. Un AVAR, o assistant video assistant referee assiste il VAR ed è quindi l’assistente dell’assistente dell’arbitro al video.
Origini del termine
Il VAR è piuttosto recente, sviluppato nel primo decennio degli anni 2000 e usato in competizioni nel 2016. Nell’inglese parlato la sigla VAR si pronuncia sillabando le singole lettere.
Traduzione di Loredana Riu
VAR video assistant referee – noun
AVAR assistant video assistant referee
The video footage is reviewed by the VAR, who advises the referee via headset what the video shows.
An official VAR review only takes place if the referee makes the signal.
Scottish football’s top-flight managers and officials have backed the introduction of video assistant referee (VAR) technology following a summit.
The use of technology to assist decision-making in high-level sport is not new: in sports such as cricket, tennis and several others, a computer system called Hawk-Eye has been used for nearly 2 decades to track the trajectory of a ball and help decide whether, for example, it would have landed in or out. It has been used in football to help the referee decide whether the ball has fully crossed the line into the goal.
VAR‘s use in the 2018 World Cup was regarded generally as a success, although not an unqualified one. VAR is short for video assistant referee and refers to the fact that it is a person – an assistant referee – who reviews certain important decisions taken during the game with the aid of video and advises the head referee on whether they are correct. In everyday use VAR is generally used to refer to the system rather than the person, however. An AVAR assists the VAR and is therefore an assistant video assistant referee.
VAR is fairly new system, developed in the early 2010s and first used in live trials in 2016. When spoken, VAR is always spelled out using the individual letters, rather than as a word. This makes it an initialism, like BBC, rather than an acronym, like NATO.