
bitcoin o Bitcoin – sostantivo
bitcoiner – sostantivo
The libertarian dream of bitcoin’s creators is of a currency existing outside the traditional world of finance.
Unlike traditional currencies, bitcoin is not issued or regulated by a central bank or government.
First, get yourself a bitcoin wallet. Next, you will need a place to store your new bitcoins.
Have you ever gotten into a relationship and later found out you are dating a Bitcoiner?
Power consumption is one of the major costs of bitcoin mining, as dedicated machines crunch the algorithms that build a record of every single bitcoin transaction.
La criptovaluta bitcoin ha fatto parlare di sé recentemente perché da un giorno all’altro il suo valore è schizzato a oltre 11.000 dollari, prima di assestarsi intorno ai 9.000. E nonostante questa caduta, il prezzo del bitcoin è aumentato del 900% nel solo 2017. Quest’altalenarsi di impennate e cadute repentine ha portato alcuni osservatori a considerare questa l’ennesima bolla speculativa. E si sa che fine fanno le bolle.
Il modo utilizzato dal sistema bitcoin e dalle criptovalute in generale per emettere moneta si chiama mining; le persone e i computer coinvolti nel processo sono detti miners. Niente a che fare con il duro lavoro in miniera, qui si tratta di risolvere complessi problemi matematici attraverso un software.
Origini del termine
Il bitcoin è stato creato nel 2009 dal fantomatico Satoshi Nakamoto, nome dietro cui non si sa bene chi si nasconda, insieme all’omonimo software reso disponibile con licenza open source. Il termine nasce dall’unione dei sostantivi bit, nel senso informatico, e coin, ovvero ‘moneta’.
Traduzione di Loredana Riu
bitcoin or Bitcoin – noun
bitcoiner – noun
The libertarian dream of bitcoin’s creators is of a currency existing outside the traditional world of finance.
Unlike traditional currencies, bitcoin is not issued or regulated by a central bank or government.
First, get yourself a bitcoin wallet. Next, you will need a place to store your new bitcoins.
Have you ever gotten into a relationship and later found out you are dating a Bitcoiner?
Power consumption is one of the major costs of bitcoin mining, as dedicated machines crunch the algorithms that build a record of every single bitcoin transaction.
The cryptocurrency bitcoin has been in the news recently following a brief surge in its value to over $11,000 dollars before falling back to around $9000 overnight. Despite this fall the currency’s value has risen spectacularly, by 900% in 2017 alone. This pattern of steep rises and dramatic fluctuations has led some to worry that this is a bubble and, like other bubbles, doomed sooner or later to burst.
Bitcoin is created by means of a process called mining, with the people and machines that carry it out called miners. This has nothing to do with minerals in the ground though, referring instead to the use of special software to solve complex maths problems.
Bitcoin was created by an unknown person or group of people and released as open-source software in 2009. While the origins of bitcoin as a currency are obscure, its linguistic origin is not. It is simply a combination of the nouns bit, meaning a single unit of data, and coin. The noun behaves like other names of currencies, so bitcoin is the currency and a bitcoin is a single unit of it.