Dad bod

dad bod – sostantivo

We rounded up 10 ways to help you get your dad bod primed for beach season.

Chris Pratt (before he got super buff), Jason Segal, and Leonardo DiCaprio are being held up as the celebrity faces of ‘dad bods‘ everywhere.

The dad bod says, ‘I go to the gym occasionally, but I also drink heavily on the weekends and enjoy eating eight slices of pizza at a time.’

Buff, ripped, toned – palestrato, insomma. Tutto si può dire del dad bod tranne che quello. L’uomo col dad bod è uno che non si trascura completamente ma non è nemmeno un fanatico della palestra e ama le sue birrette e le scorpacciate di pizza . Un uomo così, magari con la pancetta e le maniglie dell’amore, non mette in crisi le donne perché da loro non si aspetta che abbiano un fisico da top model o che siano perennemente a dieta. In altre parole, un uomo reale e non un Adone interessato più agli addominali a tartaruga che alla persona con cui sta.

Origini del termine

Dad bod è formato da dad, papà e bod (body), corpo. Il termine, già in uso tra i giovani, è assurto alle cronache nella primavera del 2015 grazie a un articolo scritto per il sito The Odyssey da una studentessa americana di psicologia, la dicianovenne Mackenzie Pearson. La Pearson spiegava come e perché le ragazze del campus universitario preferissero i tipi col classico filo di pancetta, i dad bods, a quelli con i muscoli scolpiti. La stampa è andata subito a nozze con la possibilità di pubblicare foto su foto di star come Leonardo DiCaprio, uomo indiscutibilmente in forma e attraente ma che chiaramente non passa ogni momento della giornata in palestra.

dad bod – noun

We rounded up 10 ways to help you get your dad bod primed for beach season.

Chris Pratt (before he got super buff), Jason Segal, and Leonardo DiCaprio are being held up as the celebrity faces of ‘dad bods‘ everywhere.

The dad bod says, ‘I go to the gym occasionally, but I also drink heavily on the weekends and enjoy eating eight slices of pizza at a time.’


Buff, ripped, toned – these are all adjectives that do not apply to the dad bod. The dad bod belongs to a man who looks after himself but likes the odd beer and pizza as well; the kind of man who will not expect a woman he is with to have the body of a supermodel and will not roll his eyes when she reaches for a second helping of pasta. In other words, a real man with life experience and not a super-fit Adonis who is more interested in the number of crunches he did this afternoon than he is in you.



Dad bod is a combination of dad and bod, an informal way of saying body. The term had been around for some time among young people when it surged into general public consciousness in spring of 2015 as the result of a piece written by 19-year-old psychology student Mackenzie Pearson for a community-based content site called The Odyssey. Pearson has explained how her friend would point out different men on campus saying That’s a dad bod. After the article was published the term caught on to an astonishing degree, and was leapt on with joy by picture editors keen to have another reason to publish images of stars like Leonardo DiCaprio, who are undeniably attractive but don’t look as if they spend every waking moment working out.


WordWatch è l'osservatorio sui neologismi della lingua inglese curato dalla redazione del dizionario Ragazzini.

A cura di Liz Potter