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deadname – sostantivo
deadname – verbo
The phrase “dead name” recently came to the fore, thanks to Robbie Williams’ actions on X Factor.
If you’re going into a situation where your dead name might come up, ask a supportive friend to come with you.
Deadnaming is a common practice in the media, whether in print, online, or on screen.
Hayden reported him for transphobia after he referred to her as “he” and for “deadnaming” her by referring to her by names used before she transitioned.

Il sostantivo deadname e il relativo verbo sono assurti agli onori della cronaca di recente in seguito alle vicende che hanno visto dei personaggi pubblici riferirsi a persone transgender utilizzando il nome che esse avevano prima della transizione. Il deadname è semplicemente il nome con cui erano chiamate alla nascita e che in molti casi abbandonano quando cominciano a vivere come persone del nuovo genere.

Utilizzare il vecchio nome di nascita della persona trans, anche inavvertitamente, può risultare offensivo; inoltre, il termine deadname ha spesso connotazioni negative e si preferisce usare l’espressione ‘nome assegnato alla nascita’.

Origini del termine

Secondo il sito deadname ha origine nella comunità transgender e viene usato online sin dal 2012, ma è da quando Caitlyn Jenner ha annunciato di essere una donna transgender, nel 2015, che il termine è pressoché onnipresente sulla stampa. È formato dall’aggettivo dead e dal sostantivo name o dal verbo to name.

Traduzione di Loredana Riu

deadname – noun
deadname – verb
The phrase “dead name” recently came to the fore, thanks to Robbie Williams’ actions on X Factor.
If you’re going into a situation where your dead name might come up, ask a supportive friend to come with you.
Deadnaming is a common practice in the media, whether in print, online, or on screen.
Hayden reported him for transphobia after he referred to her as “he” and for “deadnaming” her by referring to her by names used before she transitioned.

The noun deadname and its related verb have been in the news recently following incidents in which public figures referred to transgender people by the name they had before they transitioned. A transgender person’s deadname is simply the name they were given when they were born, a name which many trans people discard when they start to live in their new gender.

Using the former name of a transgender person, even inadvertently, can have a range of impacts, all of them negative. Some trans people dislike the term deadname with its implication that the person they used to be has ceased to exist and choose not to use it, preferring the standard terms birth name or given name. The name a trans person uses is referred to as their chosen name.


The term deadname originated in the transgender community and according to started to be used online in 2012. It achieved greater prominence when Caitlyn Jenner came out as a transgender woman in 2015 and has rarely been out of the news since. It is formed from the adjective dead and the noun or verb name.

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