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driverless car

driverless car/vehicle – sostantivo

self-driving car/vehicle – sostantivo

autonomous car/vehicle – sostantivo


The race to bring driverless cars to the masses is only just beginning, but already it is a fight for the ages.

The initiative will involve self-driving cars using about 31 miles (50km) of carefully selected highways in and around Gothenburg, including three tunnels.

The first fully autonomous vehicles aren’t expected to be on the road until the end of the decade, at the earliest.


Gli automobilisti di Göteborg, in Svezia, potrebbero presto trovarsi a condividere la rete stradale con macchine i cui conducenti leggono, controllano le mail o usano il cellulare – tutto in maniera perfettamente legale. In collaborazione con il governo svedese, infatti, la Volvo ha avviato una sperimentazione che vede un centinaio di driverless vehicles sulle strade pubbliche; tale progetto s’inserisce nel quadro di quello che solo qualche anno fa sarebbe sembrato uno scenario fantascientifico. Un’auto a guida autonoma (driverless car o self-driving car o autonomous car) è in grado di riconoscere il percorso, la carreggiata ed eventuali ostacoli, nonché di gestire da sola l’erogazione del motore e quindi la velocità. Ma se treni o metropolitane driverless sono in circolazione da un pezzo, l’avvento dei veicoli stradali driverless comporta notevoli sfide: dagli aspetti legati alla cybersicurezza ai risvolti legali, per cui probabilmente passerà del tempo prima che la driverless car diventi comune sulle nostre strade.


Origini del termine


L’anno scorso abbiamo visto l’aggettivo contactless: driverless è costruito nello stesso modo, con il suffisso –less, che significa ‘mancante della cosa specificata’, cioè ‘senza’, e il sostantivo driver. Il prefisso self– è altrettanto produttivo e dà origine a una vasta gamma di composti, da self-absorbed a self-worth.

driverless car/vehicle – noun

self-driving car/vehicle – noun

autonomous car/vehicle – noun


The race to bring driverless cars to the masses is only just beginning, but already it is a fight for the ages.

The initiative will involve self-driving cars using about 31 miles (50km) of carefully selected highways in and around Gothenburg, including three tunnels.

The first fully autonomous vehicles aren’t expected to be on the road until the end of the decade, at the earliest.


Commuters in Gothenburg in Sweden may soon find themselves sharing the roads with cars whose drivers are reading, checking emails or talking on the phone, and all perfectly legally. Carmaker Volvo will be trialling its driverless vehicles on public roads as the next step towards what a few years ago seemed like science fiction. A driverless car or vehicle (also known as a self-driving car or an autonomous car) is one that is capable of sensing its environment and proceeding without human intervention. While driverless trains and metros have been around for some time, the advent of driverless road vehicles obviously poses much greater challenges, so it may be some time before the driverless car becomes a common sight on our roads.




Last year we looked at the new adjective contactless. Driverless is constructed in exactly the same way, by adding the very productive suffix –less, meaning ‘without the specified thing’, to the noun driver. The prefix self– is equally productive, leading to the creation of compounds from self-absorbed to self-worth.

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