

dropshipping – sostantivo

dropshipper – sostantivo

Dropshipping is not new, but the rise of social media celebrities has supercharged the model.

The process is simple: the dropshipper goes to an online Chinese marketplace and identifies a cheap product.

With a dropshipping business you don’t need cash or storage space. You just need to set up your store, list your products, and focus on marketing and selling.


Il dropshipping è un sistema di vendita che permette al venditore, detto dropshipper, di reperire un prodotto da un fornitore online, pubblicizzarlo e venderlo al cliente finale senza mai averlo in magazzino. Il dropshipper è a tutti gli effetti un intermediario che trova articoli a prezzi bassi e li rivende guadagnandoci: una volta che ha ricevuto un ordine, il dropshipper acquista il prodotto dal fabbricante o dal grossista, il quale provvede a spedirlo direttamente al cliente. Molto spesso la promozione delle merci avviene sui social e se si riesce a convincere un influencer di successo a consigliare un certo prodotto, naturalmente dietro compenso, è possible moltiplicare le vendite. Non sempre il cliente si rende conto della natura della transazione e a volte, oltre a pagare molto più del dovuto, deve aspettare settimane e settimane che il prodotto arrivi dall’altro capo del mondo.


Origini del termine


Dropshipping e dropshipper sono parole composte derivate da un’altra parola composta, drop shipment, ovvero un metodo di vendita secondo il quale le merci sono spedite dal fabbricante direttamente al consumatore ma fatturate tramite terzi. Nonostante entrambi i termini siano in uso sin dagli inizi del XX secolo, la loro diffusione è aumentata vertiginosamente a partire dal nuovo millennio.


Traduzione di Loredana Riu

dropshipping – noun

dropshipper – noun

Dropshipping is not new, but the rise of social media celebrities has supercharged the model.

The process is simple: the dropshipper goes to an online Chinese marketplace and identifies a cheap product.

With a dropshipping business you don’t need cash or storage space. You just need to set up your store, list your products, and focus on marketing and selling.


Dropshipping is a business model where a business, called a dropshipper, sources products from a supplier, often online, and markets and supplies them to the customer without ever taking possession of the goods themselves. The dropshipper is effectively an intermediary, finding goods at bargain prices and selling them on at a profit: once an order is received, the dropshipper buys the item from the manufacturer or wholesaler, who ships it direct to the customer. Social media plays a vital role in the process: products are advertised on social media platforms, and if a successful influencer can be induced to recommend a product, for money of course, then sales can be multiplied many times. The customer may not realise that this is the nature of the transaction they are entering into; in addition to paying over the odds for the goods, they may have to wait several weeks while they are shipped from the other side of the world.




Dropshipping and dropshipper are compound nouns derived from another compound noun, drop shipment, which refers to a sales method where goods are sent directly from the manufacturer to the consumer but billed through a third party. Although the terms have been around since the early 20th century, use of them has risen sharply since the turn of the millennium.

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