Mx – titolo
Another Mx, Cassian Lodge, 28, started using the title three years ago when they realised that they were non-binary.
For the first time in decades there is a new title to join Mr, Mrs, Miss and Ms: the gender-neutral “Mx” as an honorific for transgender people.
I didn’t have to get a PhD so that I could be Dr Tobia. Instead, I could simply be Mx Tobia.
Negli ultimi anni si è iniziato a discutere più apertamente dell’identità di genere, un tempo argomento tabù. Il numero sempre crescente di persone che si dichiarano non binarie o scelgono di non dichiarare la propria identità di genere ha reso necessario un titolo di genere neutro. In realtà ne esistono diversi, ma Mx (si pronuncia ‘mix’ o ‘məx’) è di gran lunga quello più accettato e appare sempre più spesso come opzione accanto a Mr e Ms nella modulistica di banche, enti governativi e università del Regno Unito.
Origini del termine
L’appellativo Mx risale agli anni ’70, quando fu proposto dal movimento femminista per coloro che non volevano rivelare il proprio genere attraverso il titolo. Di recente c’è stata un’impennata nell’uso del termine, fenomeno che ne ha garantito l’inclusione nell’Oxford Dictionary del 2015.
Mx – title
Another Mx, Cassian Lodge, 28, started using the title three years ago when they realised that they were non-binary.
For the first time in decades there is a new title to join Mr, Mrs, Miss and Ms: the gender-neutral “Mx” as an honorific for transgender people.
I didn’t have to get a PhD so that I could be Dr Tobia. Instead, I could simply be Mx Tobia.
Gender identity, once a taboo subject, has started to be discussed more openly in recent years. With significant numbers of people identifying as non-binary or choosing not to declare a gender identity, a new gender-neutral title was needed. Although other gender-neutral titles are used, Mx (pronounced ‘mix’ or ‘məx’) has become the most widely accepted. It is consistent with other titles, especially Mr and Ms, and is increasingly being given as an option on forms provided by government departments, institutions and businesses in the UK.
Mx has been around for longer than you might think, having been first suggested in the 1970s as a feminist option for those who chose not to reveal their gender in their title. There has been a surge in use in recent years and its use has been recognized by inclusion in the Oxford English Dictionary in 2015.