
ninja – sostantivo
We are always on the lookout for coding ninjas, creative UX designers, content writers and digital marketing enthusiasts.
A team of design and marketing ninjas will expertly design and develop your website.
The Ninja Developer is an advanced programmer who is in high demand in the labor market.
Forse qualcuno tra voi ricorda Leonardo, Raffaello, Donatello e Michelangelo, ovvero le Tartarughe Ninja (in inglese, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) protagoniste di una fortunatissima serie animata che a cavallo tra gli anni ’80 e ’90 diedero origine a una vera e propria mania tra i giovanissimi. I quattro simpatici eroi, che vanno pazzi per la pizza, vivono nelle fogne di New York dove sono stati addestrati dal loro sensei, il ratto Maestro Splinter, nell’arte del ninjutsu, un insieme di metodi basati sulla furtività, il travestimento e il sabotaggio utilizzati dalle spie del Giappone medievale.
Per molto tempo il termine ninja ha indicato solo un esperto nel ninjutsu, ma recentemente un altro significato ha… furtivamente preso piede e oggi si usa per riferirsi a chiunque dimostri abilità straordinarie, specialmente nel coding, la programmazione informatica. A questi ben presto si sono affiancati i ninja del marketing, della finanza e compagnia bella; ora ninja è diventato quasi un cliché, usato come wizard o whiz (mago) per sottolineare la natura quasi soprannaturale dell’abilità di cui si tratta.
Origini del termine
Ninja viene da due parole giapponesi, nin- che signfica ‘muoversi furtivamente’ e -ja, che vuol dire ‘persona’.
Traduzione di Loredana Riu
ninja – noun
We are always on the lookout for coding ninjas, creative UX designers, content writers and digital marketing enthusiasts.
A team of design and marketing ninjas will expertly design and develop your website.
The Ninja Developer is an advanced programmer who is in high demand in the labor market.
Readers of a certain age may remember the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, 1980s cartoon characters with the names of Renaissance artists. They lived in the sewers of New York and were trained by a rat sensei or teacher in the Japanese martial art of ninjutsu, a combination of stealth, camouflage and sabotage developed from the skills required by medieval spies. They used these skills to fight crime while consuming inordinate quantities of pizza.
For a long time the term ninja referred only to a person who is skilled in ninjutsu, but in recent years another usage has stealthily established itself. Perhaps influenced by their childhood viewing, who knows, people started to use ninja to refer to anyone who demonstrates unusual skill, especially in the world of coding and computing. So in the beginning there were computer ninjas and coding ninjas, who were soon joined by marketing, finance and sales ninjas; and now we even have travel ninjas and ninja parents. The term, which has quickly became a cliché, is used in a similar way to wizard or whiz in that it implies an almost supernatural level of skill.
Ninja comes from two Japanese words, nin- meaning ‘move stealthily’ and -ja, a combining form of the word for person.