
non-binary – aggettivo

enby – sostantivo, aggettivo

I do identify as a woman, but I also identify as non-binary and go by they/them as well.

While there are many types of non-binary gender, some are more commonly discussed than others.

I can’t imagine asking non-queer people to call me an “enby.”


L’aggettivo non-binary descrive l’identità di genere di chi non si riconosce esclusivamente nel genere femminile o in quello maschile, sia perché si identifica in entrambi i generi o in nessuno dei due. Le sfumature dell’identità non-binary sono tante, come genderfluid (che oscilla lungo lo spettro di genere variando nel tempo) e agender (che non si identifica in nessun genere, alla lettera “senza genere”), solo per fare due esempi. La questione dei pronomi usati dalle persone non-binary per parlare di se stesse e quelli usati dagli altri per riferirsi a loro ha portato alla popolarità dell’uso al singolare dei pronomi they e them (che erano e rimangono pronomi personali plurali). Sempre più persone non-binary dichiarano pubblicamente, spesso sui social, quale pronome preferiscono, quindi è abbastanza comune vedere il nome di tal dei tali seguito dal pronome they/them (o he/him, she/her).


Origini del termine


Il termine non-binary nel contesto e con il significato appena visto risale agli anni 1990. È formato dal prefisso non- e dall’aggettivo binary nell’accezione matematica. Enby prende invece le mosse dalla pronuncia delle iniziali di non-binary, NB.


Traduzione di Loredana Riu

non-binary – adjective

enby – noun, adjective

I do identify as a woman, but I also identify as non-binary and go by they/them as well.

While there are many types of non-binary gender, some are more commonly discussed than others.

I can’t imagine asking non-queer people to call me an “enby.”


The adjective non-binary refers to a gender identity that is neither exclusively male nor exclusively female. Non-binary people may feel both male and female, or neither, or have a different gender identity altogether. There are many different shades of non-binary identity several of which have their own descriptive terms, such as genderfluid (moving between different gender identities) and agender (having no specific gender identity or a neutral one). The question of the pronouns used by and about non-binary people has led to a surge in the popularity of the singular use of the pronouns they and them, which were traditionally regarded as applying to plural subjects. Many non-binary people now state their preferred pronouns publicly, for example on social media, which is why you will often see someone’s name followed by they/them (or he/him, she/her).




The term non-binary to refer to a person who identifies as being of another gender than male or female, or of no gender, was first used in the 1990s. It is formed from the prefix non- and the adjective binary, meaning consisting of or relating to two. Enby comes from the initial letters of non-binary, NB.

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