
chatbot – sostantivo


Chatbots are the new apps,” said Microsoft’s CEO Satya Nadella earlier this year.

Google has announced that it has acquired chatbot technology outfit API.AI in a bid to challenge Facebook and Microsoft.

It took less than 24 hours for Twitter to corrupt an innocent AI chatbot.


Forse ricorderete di aver sentito parlare, la scorsa primavera, del chatbot di Microsoft di nome Tay progettato per somigliare a una ragazza in grado di chattare con un essere umano. Il bot è stato zittito poche ore dopo il lancio perché gli utenti di Twitter gli avevano insegnato a fare commenti razzisti e misogini.

Un chatbot è un software creato per simulare una conversazione, specialmente sul web. Senz’altro in casa Microsoft si sta già lavorando a una nuova versione che non solo sarà insensibile agli scherzi umani ma probabilmente somiglierà a noi in maniera impressionante. Nel frattempo l’azienda di Redmond ha lanciato un altro bot, Murphy, che crea fotomontaggi in base alle domande degli utenti del tipo ‘What if…’, ovvero ‘supponiamo che’: ‘What if Donald Trump was the Pope?’ Ah, meraviglie della tecnologia!


Origini del termine


Chatbot, formato dalla fusione di chat o chatter e bot, forma abbreviata di robot, fu coniato negli anni Novanta.

chatbot – noun

Chatbots are the new apps,” said Microsoft’s CEO Satya Nadella earlier this year.

Google has announced that it has acquired chatbot technology outfit API.AI in a bid to challenge Facebook and Microsoft.

It took less than 24 hours for Twitter to corrupt an innocent AI chatbot.


You may remember a news story back in the spring about a Microsoft chatbot called Tay that was designed to resemble a teenage girl. The bot had to be withdrawn within hours of being launched because it started making racist and misogynistic comments, mainly because Twitter users taught it to.


A chatbot is a computer program that is designed to simulate conversation, especially on the Internet. No doubt Microsoft’s boffins are working on an improved version that will not only be immune to the mischief of humans but will be impossible to distinguish from them. In the meantime, shortly after the Tay fiasco it launched a new bot called Murphy that blends images to produce answers to ‘What if…’ questions such as ‘What if Donald Trump was the Pope?’ Truly there is no end to the marvels of technology.



Chatbot is formed from chat or chatter and bot, short for robot. The term was coined in the 1990s.


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