GOAT, goat – sostantivo
He was an amazing player, maybe the GOAT, but also had a very strong supporting cast and a great coach.
Federer energized tennis’s GOAT debate by winning the only one of the sport’s four Grand Slam titles to have eluded him.
This is a list of the GOAT: African American Stand-Up Comedians.
You are the GOAT (greatest of all times). Thanks.

Sarà capitato anche a voi di sentire qualcuno descritto come GOAT o goat, specialmente nel campo dello sport; o magari di aver notato un emoji con la capra (goat in inglese) in un contesto che non fosse quello degli animali da allevamento e vi sarete chiesti il perché. GOAT è l’acronimo di Greatest Of All Time, nato negli Stati Uniti ma diffusosi in altri Paesi anglofoni e anche in Italia. In origine si usava per atleti e sportivi ma oggi può fregiarsi del titolo chiunque eccella nel proprio settore. Alla popolarità del termine può aver contribuito l’album G.O.A.T. del 2000 del rapper LL Cool J, artista che aveva omaggiato Muhammad Ali qualche anno prima con il brano Mama Said Knock You Out.

Origini del termine

GOAT era il nome dell’impresa di licensing fondata da Muhammad Ali, che si autodefiniva il più grande di tutti i tempi, ‘the greatest of all time’. Il termine iniziò a prendere piede nei primi anni 2000 nel campo dello sport per poi passare a un uso più generale, come abbiamo visto negli esempi qui sopra.

Traduzione di Loredana Riu

GOAT, goat – noun
He was an amazing player, maybe the GOAT, but also had a very strong supporting cast and a great coach.
Federer energized tennis’s GOAT debate by winning the only one of the sport’s four Grand Slam titles to have eluded him.
This is a list of the GOAT: African American Stand-Up Comedians.
You are the GOAT (greatest of all times). Thanks.

You may have seen someone described as the GOAT, or sometimes goat, or even seen a goat emoji used in a context which had nothing to do with farm animals, and wondered what was going on. GOAT is an acronym and it stands for Greatest Of All Time. Its use started in the US but quickly spread to other parts of the English speaking world. While usually applied to sports players, it is also used to refer to outstanding performers in other areas. One factor in its popularization may have been the release by the rapper LL Cool J in 2000 of an album titled G.O.A.T. The title song of an earlier album, Mama Said Knock You Out, was apparently inspired by the boxer Muhammad Ali.

GOAT was first used as the name of a company set up by the boxer Muhammad Ali, who habitually referred to himself as ’the greatest of all time’. The term was adopted in the early 2000s to refer to a practitioner of any sport who was judged to deserve that title and later came to be used as a general term of appreciation and approval, as in the final example above.

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