

fintech, FinTech – sostantivo non numerabile
edtech, EdTech – sostantivo non numerabile
The firm will build a venture capital platform to seed early-stage and emerging fintech startups.
Financial technology – or fintech – is a boom area for investment at the moment, particularly in the UK.
What is the evidence that the use of edtech, by teachers or students, impacts teaching and learning practices, or learning outcomes?


Data l’onnipresenza della tecnologia in ogni aspetto della nostra vita non sorprende che la frequenza d’uso del termine sia cresciuta in maniera esponenziale negli ultimi anni. Technology, e la sua forma breve tech, hanno dato origine a tutta una serie di parole composte che indicano varie forme o campi d’applicazione della tecnologia; abbiamo quindi financial technology, o più di frequente fintech (tecnofinanza); educational technology o edtech (tecnologia didattica); healthtech (sanità digitale) e così via.

Sia fintech sia edtech si scrivono a volte senza spazi e con l’iniziale maiuscola (FinTech e EdTech), una convenzione di scrittura detta Pascal Case, o meglio PascalCase, che è in uso nel linguaggio di programmazione Pascal così chiamato in onore del matematico francese Blaise Pascal.


Origini del termine


Tutte le parole composte di cui parliamo in questo post sono apparse a partire dai primi del XXI secolo ed è prevedibile che aumentino in numero e frequenza.


Traduzione di Loredana Riu

fintech, FinTech – noun U
edtech, EdTech – noun U
The firm will build a venture capital platform to seed early-stage and emerging fintech startups.
Financial technology – or fintech – is a boom area for investment at the moment, particularly in the UK.
What is the evidence that the use of edtech, by teachers or students, impacts teaching and learning practices, or learning outcomes?

With the ubiquity of technology in our lives it is not surprising that the term has rocketed in frequency in recent years, a trend that can only continue. Technology is a bit of a mouthful, however, and so it is often shortened to tech. Both the long form and the shorter form are used to create compounds referring to different forms of technology. So financial technology, or more frequently fintech, refers to computer programs and other technology that are used to support or enable banking and financial services; educational technology or edtech is the use of digital technology to support learning; healthtech uses technology to deliver healthcare; you get the idea.

Both fintech and edtech are sometimes written with a capital letter at the start and in the middle, a style known as Pascal Case or PascalCase.




Fintech is a blend of the adjective financial and the noun technology. Edtech combines educational and technology. Other combinations are made in a similar way. They have all appeared since the beginning of this century and can only increase in both number and frequency.

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