

anonymize (-ise) – verbo
pseudonymize (-ise) – verbo
anonymization (-sation) – sostantivo
pseudonymization (-sation) – sostantivo

We also use anonymised information about your browsing to help our writers understand what people read on the site.
Pseudonymised data is typically used for analytics and data processing, often with the aim of improving processing efficiency.
Pseudonymisation is not a method of anonymisation. It merely reduces the linkability of a dataset with the original identity of a data subject.

Anonimizzare i dati personali significa rimuovere qualsiasi elemento riconoscibile che possa permettere a tali informazioni combinate di risalire a un soggetto specifico identificandolo. L’anonimizzazione viene effettuata nel campo della ricerca scientifica già da diversi decenni, per consentire di condividere dati relativi a pazienti e casi clinici senza compromettere la privacy dei soggetti coinvolti. Con la pseudonimizzazione invece si sostituisce la maggior parte dei campi identificabili con uno o più elementi mascherati o pseudonimi. Dunque mentre la pseudonimizzazione permette di identificare in un secondo momento i dati anche in maniera indiretta, i dati anonimi non consentono la successiva identificazione.

Origini del termine

Il verbo to anonymize (che risale agli anni 1970) e il sostantivo anonymization derivano dall’aggettivo anonymous. Il verbo to pseudonymize e il sostantivo pseudonymisation sono molto più recente e non ancora accolti dai dizionari; dei termini si è iniziato a parlare diffusamente da un paio d’anni a questa parte a proposito del Regolamento generale sulla protezione dei dati (GDPR).

Traduzione di Loredana Riu

anonymize (-ise) – verb
pseudonymize (-ise) – verb
anonymization (-sation) – noun
pseudonymization (-sation) – noun

We also use anonymised information about your browsing to help our writers understand what people read on the site.
Pseudonymised data is typically used for analytics and data processing, often with the aim of improving processing efficiency.
Pseudonymisation is not a method of anonymisation. It merely reduces the linkability of a dataset with the original identity of a data subject.

To anonymize data means to permanently remove from it anything that can identify the person it refers to. Anonymization has been practised in medical research for several decades, to allow information about individual patients and cases to be shared without compromising those patients’ privacy. Anonymized data has had all information that might allow a subject to be identified permanently removed, making it impossible to go back and identify the person concerned. Pseudonymized data, in contrast, replaces personal information with artificial identifiers, or pseudonyms, which are held separately, making it possible to go back subsequently and identify the individuals involved.


Anonymize and the related noun anonymization are back formations from the adjective anonymous. The verb was first used in the 1970s. Pseudonymize is much more recent, so much so that it is not yet found in most dictionaries. The term only came to general attention in the last couple of years in the context of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

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