

exergaming – sostantivo

exergame – sostantivo


Despite frequent use of exergames in intervention studies to improve physical function in older adults, we lack knowledge about the movements performed during exergaming.


Exergaming has become an emerging trend in the fitness, education and health sectors.


Nonostante i videogiochi che combinano l’aspetto ludico a una qualche forma di esercizio fisico siano in circolazione dagli anni 1980, il genere si è diffuso alla grande con il lancio del Nintendo Wii Fit nel primo decennio del secolo in corso e oggi gli exergames spaziano dal canottaggio al ciclismo, passando per il ballo e il golf sempre nel contesto dei videogame. Secondo alcuni l’exergaming potrebbe rappresentare una soluzione al problema della sedentarietà, oggigiorno purtroppo sempre più comune a tutte le età. La ricerca ha dimostrato che, pur presentando vantaggi potenziali per la salute, l’exergaming è un tipo di attività difficilmente sostenibile nel lungo termine; tuttavia, i soggetti anziani possono trarne benefici sia fisici che cognitivi.


Origini del termine


Exergaming è una parola macedonia formata dai sostantivi exercise e gaming, coniata nel primo decennio del XXI secolo.


Traduzione di Loredana Riu

exergaming – noun

exergame – noun


Despite frequent use of exergames in intervention studies to improve physical function in older adults, we lack knowledge about the movements performed during exergaming.


Exergaming has become an emerging trend in the fitness, education and health sectors.


Although video games that combine entertainment with some form of fitness activity have been around since the 1980s, the genre really took off with the release of the Nintendo Wii Fit in the first decade of this century. Exergames can take many different forms, from rowing and cycling to dancing and golf, but all combine some kind of physical activity with gaming elements. As concern has grown about the effects of inactive lifestyles on the health of both children and adults, some have claimed that exergaming provides a possible solution. Academic studies have shown that while there are potential benefits to health from exergaming, this form of activity is hard to sustain over the long term. However, it has been found that older people may obtain both physical and cognitive benefits from playing exergames.




Exergaming is a blend or portmanteau formed by combining the nouns exercise and gaming. The term was coined in the first decade of the 21st century.

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