flight shame


flight shame – sostantivo

flight shaming – sostantivo


Flygskam is a term which means “flight shame” and has led to a decline in domestic and short haul air travel in Europe over the last few months.

The flight shame movement is about feeling accountable for your carbon footprint – but it is also about rediscovering the joy of slow travel.

Is flight-shaming helping resurrect Europe’s overnight trains?


Riconosciuta l’emergenza climatica che stiamo vivendo, resta da chiedersi che cosa ognuno di noi può fare per contribuire a risolvere il problema. Un passo alla portata di tutti è prendere meno l’aereo, quando possibile, e preferire un altro mezzo di trasporto meno inquinante. Il flight shame è la vergogna di prendere l’aereo, legata alla consapevolezza della scarsa ecosostenibilità dei viaggi aerei; da qui la scelta di usare il più possibile mezzi alternativi. In inglese il concetto di shame e shaming, specialmente nel caso di espressioni quali ‘fat shaming’ o ‘slut shaming’ comporta la riprovazione sociale nei confronti della persona che ‘si macchia’ del ‘misfatto’.


Origini del termine


Flight shame deriva dallo svedese ‘flygskam; la Svezia è il Paese natale di Greta Thunberg, la giovane attivista che ha lanciato i primi scioperi degli studenti per il clima. Il termine è stato coniato nel 2017 da un gruppo di manifestanti contro i voli aerei e si è affermato nell’inglese intorno alla metà del 2019.


Traduzione di Loredana Riu

flight shame – noun

flight shaming – noun

Flygskam is a term which means “flight shame” and has led to a decline in domestic and short haul air travel in Europe over the last few months.

The flight shame movement is about feeling accountable for your carbon footprint – but it is also about rediscovering the joy of slow travel.

Is flight-shaming helping resurrect Europe’s overnight trains?



As the idea that the Earth is facing a climate emergency has become more widely accepted, people have started asking themselves what they personally can do to help solve the problem. One step that is within everyone’s power is to reduce the number of flights they take and find alternatives where possible. Flight shame is a feeling of guilt about the carbon emissions produced by flying, often accompanied by a resolve to fly less or not at all. In English the concept of shame and shaming often involves making other people feel bad about themselves – this is the case with the terms ‘fat shaming’ or ‘slut shaming’, for example. The Swedish term refers instead to the feeling of shame a person has about their own carbon footprint. Sweden is of course the home of the climate activist Greta Thunberg and the place where the climate strikes started.




Flight shame comes from the Swedish word ‘flygskam. The term was first used in 2017 by a group of Swedish anti-flying campaigners and started to be seen widely in English language media around the middle of 2019.

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