VSCO girl

VSCO girl

VSCO girl – sostantivo

VSCO boy – sostantivo

I can’t pinpoint the exact moment I heard the term “VSCO girl” but I know it was on TikTok, and I was pretty sure that it would be a big deal.

Once it was a big trend on TikTok, a lot of girls started dressing more similar to VSCO girls.

Like the VSCO girl, the VSCO boy is super environmentally conscious, although he doesn’t feel guilty about the holidays he goes on.

I half-expect to find out in a few months that the VSCO girl thing was all a viral marketing stunt.

Le tendenze e la cultura giovanili cambiano così velocemente che si fa fatica a star loro dietro; non solo, ma quando gli adulti si accorgono finalmente di un dato trend e iniziano a seguirlo, spesso succede che i giovani che l’avevano lanciato lo abbandonino e passino a qualcos’altro. Chissà se anche VSCO girl, la sottocultura social emersa la scorsa estate, farà la stessa fine. Come innumerevoli altre tribù giovanili, le VSCO (pronunciato ‘visco’) girls hanno un loro look caratterizzato da abbigliamento, accessori e atteggiamento, che in questo caso richiama lo stile rilassato di chi ama la vita all’aperto – un look che richiede più sforzi e soldi di quanto si possa pensare a prima vista. Una tipica VSCO girl posta video o selfie che la riprendono in spiaggia o comunque all’aperto mentre indossa una magliettona o un top corto, shorts e scarpe casual. Tra gli accessori immancabili, vivaci fermacoda colorati e borraccia.

Origini del termine

VSCO è un’app di fotoritocco della Visual Supply Company. VSCO girl è una parola macedonia formata unendo al nome dell’app il sostantivo girl. Esistono anche i VSCO boys ma sono molto meno numerosi.

Traduzione di Loredana Riu

VSCO girl – noun

VSCO boy – noun


I can’t pinpoint the exact moment I heard the term “VSCO girl” but I know it was on TikTok, and I was pretty sure that it would be a big deal.

Once it was a big trend on TikTok, a lot of girls started dressing more similar to VSCO girls.

Like the VSCO girl, the VSCO boy is super environmentally conscious, although he doesn’t feel guilty about the holidays he goes on.

I half-expect to find out in a few months that the VSCO girl thing was all a viral marketing stunt.


Youth trends and culture change so fast that it can be hard to keep up; indeed by the time adults have latched onto a fashion or trend, the young people creating them have often moved on. This may well be the case with the VSCO girl, who first came to general notice last summer. Like innumerable other youth tribes before them, VSCO (pronounced ‘visco’) girls adopt a distinctive style of dress, accessories and manner. In this case it’s a kind of laid-back outdoorsy look that takes a lot more effort (and cash) than an initial glance would suggest. A typical VSCO girl might post photos or videos of herself on the beach or in another natural setting, wearing an oversized T-shirt or crop top, shorts, casual shoes and colourful accessories including hair scrunchies and a reusable water bottle.




VSCO is a mobile photography app created by the Visual Supply Company. VSCO girl is a compound noun created by putting the noun girl after the name of the app. There are also VSCO boys but they are a lot less numerous; in terms of hits on Google they number in the tens of thousands rather than millions.

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