Augmented reality

augmented reality – sostantivo

AR – sostantivo


iOS is the world’s biggest platform for augmented reality.

The basic premise of AR is to overlay digital content on top of real things using something like a map, a camera, or sometimes the sky.

Some of the most exciting augmented-reality work is taking place in research labs at universities around the world.

In this list, we’ll take a look at the best AR apps and games for Android.

Facebook is working on a pair of augmented reality smartglasses that could superimpose virtual objects onto the real world.


D’accordo, non c’è molta gente che porta i Google glass dove abito io, e la Pokémon Go mania sembra essere passata, ma è fuor di dubbio che l’augmented reality, la realtà aumentata, sta pervadendo la nostra vita in modi meno eclatanti. Le app che ci consentono di visualizzare come starebbe un divano nel salotto di casa, prima di decidere se acquistarlo, o di vedere un’unità immobiliare prima ancora che sia stata costruita non saranno il massimo del glamour ma senz’altro ci semplificano la vita. Altre app sono dedicate all’aspetto ludico o di intrattenimento, dall’identificare le costellazioni a imparare a ballare o a scoprire come funziona il corpo umano.

La realtà aumentata, ovvero la tecnologia che sovrappone particolari virtuali all’immagine reale, integrandola e creando un unico ambiente, spalancherà le porte su orizzonti inimmaginabili, ci dicono. Per ora, se mi permette di evitare acquisti sbagliati o di perfezionare i passi di salsa tra le mura domestiche, non ho da lamentarmi.


Origini del termine


Augmented reality è un sostantivo composto dall’aggettivo augmented e dal sostantivo reality; mentre virtual reality è in circolazione dagli anni 1950, augmented reality è più recente: pare sia stato coniato negli anni 1990 dall’ex ricercatore della Boeing Thomas P Caudell.


Traduzione di Loredana Riu

augmented reality – noun

AR – noun

iOS is the world’s biggest platform for augmented reality.

The basic premise of AR is to overlay digital content on top of real things using something like a map, a camera, or sometimes the sky.

Some of the most exciting augmented-reality work is taking place in research labs at universities around the world.

In this list, we’ll take a look at the best AR apps and games for Android.

Facebook is working on a pair of augmented reality smartglasses that could superimpose virtual objects onto the real world.

You don’t see many people wearing Google glasses where I live, and the Pokémon Go craze seems to have come and gone, but augmented reality is entering our lives in many less obvious ways. Smartphone apps that allow you to see how that sofa will look in your living room before deciding whether or not to buy it, or view a property before it has even been built may not be glamorous, but they remove some of the unnecessary hassle from everyday life. Other apps allow you to identify constellations or see how the human body works, or even practise dance moves.

Augmented reality, which is simply technology that superimposes computer-generated sense data on your view of the real world has, or so we are told, almost limitless potential. For the time being, if it can prevent you from having to return a sofa that is far too big for your living room, or help you improve your salsa technique in the privacy of your own home, then I think we can all agree it’s a good thing.



Augmented reality is a compound noun made by combining the adjective augmented and the noun reality. While virtual reality has been around in some form since the 1950s, the term augmented reality is comparatively recent, having apparently been coined in 1990 by a former Boeing researcher, Thomas P Caudell.


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