
Bregret – noun

Bregretter –noun


There is already much anecdotal evidence for Buyers’ Remorse (or ‘Bregret‘) about leaving.

The anxiety – dubbed “Bregret” – emerged as the value of the pound tumbled and markets crashed.

Many voters who backed Britain leaving the EU are now regretting their decision – sparking a wave of so-called “Bregret” anxiety.

Meet the Bregretters! Leave voter admits he ‘didn’t think his vote would count’.


In questo blog abbiamo già parlato di Brexit e Brexiter; oggi vediamo un nuovo termine della serie che inizia per Br-: Bregret. Indica quella spiacevole sensazione che si prova al risveglio da una nottata in cui sai di aver fatto una fesseria, ma non ti ricordi bene che cosa… ecco, i Bregretters quella fesseria se la ricordano bene: hanno votato per qualcosa che in realtà non volevano, uscire dall’UE. Ops.


Origini del termine


Bregret ha fatto la sua comparsa su Twitter nei giorni che precedevano il referendum sull’uscita o meno del Regno Unito dall’UE, pare inventata simultaneamente da utenti diversi. Mentre scrivo questo blog, appena due giorni dopo il risultato, su Google ci sono già oltre 25.000 occorrenze di Bregret e ben 107,000 di Bregretter. Il termine è la fusione di Brexit e regret, un procedimento di creazione delle parole molto comune nella lingua inglese.

Bregret – noun

Bregretter –noun

There is already much anecdotal evidence for Buyers’ Remorse (or ‘Bregret‘) about leaving.

The anxiety – dubbed “Bregret” – emerged as the value of the pound tumbled and markets crashed.

Many voters who backed Britain leaving the EU are now regretting their decision – sparking a wave of so-called “Bregret” anxiety.

Meet the Bregretters! Leave voter admits he ‘didn’t think his vote would count’.

We have looked before in these posts at the terms Brexit and Brexiter. In their wake comes a new Br- coinage: Bregret. This refers to that awful morning-after-the-night-before feeling that you may have made a teeny mistake and voted for something you don’t actually want in the shape of the exit of the UK from the EU. Oops.


The term Bregret seems to have been invented almost simultaneously by a number of different Twitter users in the runup to the referendum. At the time of writing, a mere two days after the result, there are over 25,000 hits for the word on Google, and an astonishing 107,000 for Bregretter. It is formed, of course, by blending Brexit and regret. Creating new words in this way is both simple and entertaining; you can probably come up with some yourself.


WordWatch è l'osservatorio sui neologismi della lingua inglese curato dalla redazione del dizionario Ragazzini.

A cura di Liz Potter