
fracking – sostantivo

fracker – sostantivo

frack – verbo


The Scottish Parliament has voted to support an outright ban on fracking after SNP MSPs abstained.

North Yorkshire county council’s planning committee voted by seven to four to approve Third Energy’s plans to frack at a site near Kirby Misperton.

Cuadrilla attempted to frack for shale gas near Blackpool in 2011 but was forced to halt its efforts after causing two minor earth tremors, leading to a temporary ban on the practice.

The frackers know every trick in the book to beat an air pollution monitoring system.

Il fracking ha fatto ancora parlare di sé di recente nel Regno Unito in seguito alla decisione del consiglio comunale di una cittadina dello Yorkshire di dare il via libera all’utilizzazione della discussa tecnica estrattiva in una località nelle vicinanze del parco nazionale North York Moors. Gli oppositori del fracking, ovvero la fratturazione idraulica, daranno battaglia nelle sedi legali ed è quindi probabile che l’inizio dei lavori slitti o sia addirittura bloccato.


Origini del termine


Fracking è la forma abbreviata di hydrofracking, a sua volta contrazione del termine hydraulic fracturing. E mentre hydrofracking è una parola macedonia, fracking è un accorciamento. Il favore accordato a fracking rispetto ai due termini più tecnici può essere dovuto alla naturale preferenza per le parole brevi, ma può anche essere spiegato con l’assonanza con una delle imprecazioni inglesi più note, usata nello slogan degli anti fracking: ‘Frack off!’.

fracking – noun

fracker – noun

frack – verb

The Scottish Parliament has voted to support an outright ban on fracking after SNP MSPs abstained.

North Yorkshire county council’s planning committee voted by seven to four to approve Third Energy’s plans to frack at a site near Kirby Misperton.

Cuadrilla attempted to frack for shale gas near Blackpool in 2011 but was forced to halt its efforts after causing two minor earth tremors, leading to a temporary ban on the practice.

The frackers know every trick in the book to beat an air pollution monitoring system.


The hot topic of fracking has been in the news recently after a council in North Yorkshire gave the go-ahead for the controversial process to be carried out at a site just south of the North York Moors National Park. Fracking arouses strong passions and it may be that the decision will be challenged in the courts, meaning that it will be some time before work starts at the site, if it ever does.



Fracking is a shortened form of hydrofracking, which is itself a contraction of the technical name for the process, hydraulic fracturing. While hydrofracking is a blend or portmanteau, where parts of two different words are blended together, fracking is an example of clipping, where one part of the word is simply dropped. The popularity of the term fracking over the two more technical terms may be an indication of a general preference for short snappy words over longer ones. The fact that it sounds like one of the ruder Anglo Saxon expletives – as in the anti-fracking slogan Frack off! – may also help account for its success.


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A cura di Liz Potter