
precycle – verbo

precycling – sostantivo


We’re all familiar with the concept of recycling in order to help lighten our environmental footprint, but what is precycling all about?

Kim Carlson wants to educate and motivate all to precycle, which is reducing waste by not acquiring it in the first place.

Every material resource and every product can in some way be precycled by clever design and other actions.


Hai riciclato plastica, vetro e carta: bene; hai dato nuova vita a un vecchio mobile con l’upcycling, il riciclo creativo: benissimo; cos’altro puoi fare per salvare il pianeta? Puoi precycle, cioè ridurre o eliminare a monte la quantità di rifiuti che finiranno in discarica. Si va da piccoli accorgimenti quali portare con sé borse/buste riutilizzabili quando andiamo a fare la spesa, usare tovaglioli di stoffa e non di carta o acquistare articoli con imballaggio minimo, al fondare l’intero processo produttivo su una strategia di minimizzazione dei rifiuti e al ridurre o eliminare del tutto l’uso di risorse non rinnovabili.


Origini del termine


Secondo Wikipedia, il concetto del precycling nacque nel 1988 durante una campagna di educazione civica sui rifiuti preparata da Maureen O’Rorke per la città di Berkeley. Il termine è formato dal prefisso pre- più il verbo cycle sulla falsariga di recycle.

precycle – verb

precycling – noun

We’re all familiar with the concept of recycling in order to help lighten our environmental footprint, but what is precycling all about?

Kim Carlson wants to educate and motivate all to precycle, which is reducing waste by not acquiring it in the first place.

Every material resource and every product can in some way be precycled by clever design and other actions.

So you’ve recycled your plastic and glass and paper, and you’ve upcycled that old chest of drawers to give it a new lease of life; what more can you do to save the planet? The answer is that you can precycle, which means not creating the waste in the first place. This can range from taking your own bags to the supermarket and using cloth napkins rather than paper ones to basing the whole of production on a strategy of minimising waste and reducing or eliminating the use of non-renewable resources.


According to Wikipedia, the concept of precycling was coined in 1988 by social marketing executive Maureen O’Rorke in a public waste education campaign for the City of Berkeley. It is formed by adding the prefix pre- to the verb cycle along the same lines as the more familiar recycle.


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